These People Are Covered In A Week’s Worth Of Their Trash. I Wonder How My Pile Would Look Like.
My first thought when I saw these images was “Did I really need to see that?”, but then I just kept on looking at them. I know that in today’s Western world we produce more trash, on a per capita basis, than ever in human history.
And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. To take one obvious example, every time you go to the grocery store, you come back with a bunch of things wrapped up in plastic, which then has to go into the trash bin. A century ago or so, they didn’t use plastic to wrap things up in! And even though we recycle quite a bit these days, it’s not nearly enough to keep up with the huge volumes we are producing.
Anyway, photographer Gregg Segal decided to illustrate the trash issue in a rather unusual way — picturing people prostrated smack into a week’s worth of their own trash.
Obviously, the series is guiding people toward a confrontation with the excess that’s part of their lives. I’m hoping they recognize a lot of the garbage they produce is unnecessary.Well, his imagery is certain to catch people’s attention…
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